Pregnancy Acupuncture

‘To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited’. Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn
For most women, pregnancy is a magical and special time. However, for some mums-to-be, physical challenges can arise that cause her to feel uncomfortable and ill. Pregnancy-related symptoms can dramatically affect the quality of life of a pregnant woman, sometimes to the point of anxiety or depression, because there are very few options available that are effective and still safe for mum and baby.
Acupuncture: natural and non-invasive during pregnancy. Acupuncture can be a natural way to help relieve a number of pregnancy-related symptoms, such as Sciatica, Cramps, Threatened miscarriage, Nausea and vomiting, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Back pain, Fatigue and exhaustion, Insomnia, Anxiety and depression, Anaemia, Constipation, Vaginal discharge, Heartburn, Itching, Oedema, Sinusitis, Haemorrhoids and more.
Utilising a combination of modern research & ancient wisdom, acupuncture is used to help return the body back to its most optimal natural balanced state, so that it has the best possible opportunity for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.
How does Acupuncture help? Acupuncture may help to reduce stress, regulate hormones, block pain receptors, improve blood flow and maintain homeostasis.
Breech and posterior positions. It is always daunting to hear that your baby is breech in the last couple of months of pregnancy, especially if you are hoping for a natural birth. One particular study has shown that Acupuncture (more specifically moxibustion) may be helpful in turning a malpositioned foetus. An Italian study of 260 women experiencing their first pregnancy found that 75% of those treated with acupuncture had their babies turn, in comparison to 47% in those with no treatment. In a similar Chinese study, 81% of the babies turned with acupuncture, compared to 49% in the control group with no treatment.
Acupuncture to encourage labour and as a pre-birth treatment. Clinical trials indicate that Acupuncture may assist in reducing average labour time, and improving the chances of a natural birth. In one particular study carried out on a group of women who were giving birth for the first time, the average labour time was 6 hours in those who received pre-birth acupuncture compared to 8 hours in the control group.
In preparation for birth, acupuncture is recommended from 36 weeks gestation, weekly for 3-4 weeks. Treatment focuses on softening the cervix, relaxing and softening the ligaments, regulating the hormones and reducing stress. Acupuncture may be helpful in encouraging and progressing labour, once the due date is reached.
Acupuncture can help with more. As mentioned previously, Acupuncture may be helpful for pregnancy-related symptoms such as Sciatica, Cramps, Threatened miscarriage, Nausea and vomiting, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Lower back pain, Fatigue and exhaustion, Insomnia, Anxiety and depression, Anaemia, Constipation, Vaginal discharge, Heartburn, Itching, Oedema, Sinusitis, Haemorrhoids and more. If you have any questions about your particular condition, please email Louise.
What does the treatment plan consist of? Everyone is different, but we would hope you will feel an improvement in symptoms after the first couple of sessions. Up to six sessions may be required, depending on the particular problem presented. Treatments are generally done weekly.
You're in good hands
Louise is a fully qualified and accredited Acupuncturist. She is passionate about helping and supporting couples who are trying to conceive or who have conceived, to have the best possible health during pregnancy.
Louise is recognised by all health funds that offer rebates for Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy. Check with your fund to confirm your level of cover.

Your Next Step
To book an appointment in Wahroonga, please call 0406 680 463
If you have any further questions, please email Louise